Medicine for papillomas and warts

There are many drugs against this pathology in the body, to which men and women are exposed today: it is easy to get confused which one to choose. Treating the human papillomavirus (HPV) is not easy because the infection, which has hundreds of species, is indelible. It is important to approach the problem competently, taking into account the characteristics of drugs from different categories.

Treatment of warts and papillomas with medication

These viral-like formations on the face, neck, limbs and genitals can be quickly removed surgically, using a laser or freezing them with liquid nitrogen. However, surgical removal of skin pathologies is not always advisable. So instead of radical measures, one or another remedy for papillomas and warts is used. The correct use of medications gives very good results.

hand papilloma treatment

You need to understand: If a human papillomavirus infection enters the body, it will no longer be possible to get rid of HPV forever. The most well-chosen medications are capable of is to keep microorganisms "in the black body" to prevent their reproduction. As a result of complex treatment, immunity is restored. This is the only way to say goodbye to the cutaneous manifestations of the infection.

There are many drugs for removing warts and papillomas in pharmacies at different prices. There are two groups of drugs in demand, which are fundamentally different in their action. Local (external) drugs are applied to the growth tissue: the altered cells die and fall out. Systemic drugs (pills, capsules) inhibit papillomaviruses from the inside out. It is best to treat HPV comprehensively, combining medications from both categories: this is the most reliable option.

A simple and affordable remedy for warts at the pharmacy, as well as papillomas, calluses, can be purchased without a prescription. Buy funds from this list:

  • salicylic acid (alcohol);
  • tincture of iodine;
  • pencil;
  • castor oil (for warts);
  • Adhesive plaster to remove calluses;
  • ammonia;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • essential oil from the tea tree.

Among the effective systemic drugs are antivirals and immunomodulators.

External medicine for papillomas and warts

These types of drugs are often used:

  • wart and papilloma cream;
  • ointment;
  • liniment;
  • Spray can;
  • applicator;
  • solution;
  • gel;
  • celandine juice and others.
papilloma celandine herb juice

Ointment for warts and papillomas

Why are drugs in this way valuable? Ointments against papillomas, genital warts, warts, keratomas are minimally toxic at maximum therapeutic doses. Tumors, if smeared with these agents, which actively affect pathological skin cells, disappear. You can reduce them if you buy one of these medications:

  • oxolin ointment;
  • Salicylic ointment and others.


It is a long standing silver nitrate product that is available in pharmacies at an affordable price. The pencil for removing warts and papillomas is easy to use and fast acting. Lapis has cauterizing, antibacterial and necrotic effects. They just need to handle the neoplasms carefully, not touching the surrounding areas of the body, otherwise healthy skin will turn black. The pencil can cause burns and scars. It is especially dangerous to remove growths on the face, neck and genitals.

Liquid for removing papillomas and warts

Chemically aggressive solutions destroy tissue formations. They are applied in very limited quantities. Solutions, aerosols, papilloma drops and warts:

  • concentrated alkalis;
  • salicylic alcohol and others.

Immunostimulating drug for human papillomavirus infection

If the HPV disease is severe, it relapses frequently, this indicates a weak defense of the body. In that case, medications should be prescribed to strengthen them. Among the drugs for papillomas and warts in complex treatments, doctors include immunomodulators.

Pills for warts and papillomas

An effective medicine is considered to be a preparation that blocks the multiplication of HPV and destroys diseased cells. In addition to the antiviral effect, the pills strengthen the immune system. The course of treatment is 2 to 4 weeks. These drugs for papillomas and warts with warts are often prescribed after surgery for greater effectiveness.

pills for treating papillomas

HPV treatment with homeopathy

Many medications that contain natural ingredients are also immunomodulators. These drugs are especially effective in the complex treatment of papillomaviruses. These are well known tinctures of ginseng, lemongrass, echinacea, aralia. A valuable homeopathic remedy is a cream containing mummy, acids and Altai herbal extracts. Also, thuja and other preparations are effective.

Herbal medicine for papillomas and warts

These bottoms are also in demand as they are softer than, for example, concentrated acids or alkalis. This:

  • licorice extract-based gel;
  • a solution containing an extract of a podophyllum medicinal plant from the thyroid;
  • Very effective suppositories, gel, spray, injectable solution, whose raw material for production are young potato tops.

How to choose a drug for papillomas in the body

It is more reasonable to use a dermatologist's prescription. If neoplasms caused by papillomavirus appear in intimate places, the woman should consult a gynecologist and a man - an andrologist. While there are many drugs in pharmacies that allow the independent removal of skin blemishes at home, it is not worth the risk. And so:

  • Papillomas (especially those that look like blemishes) can be cancerous.
  • Due to poorly selected medications or incomplete treatment, skin growths appear in the same places again.

Which drug for papillomas and warts will have the best effect? In a pharmacy, one should not only be guided by the price of the drug - the high cost of the drug still does not guarantee the achievement of a therapeutic effect. Very carefully, you need to read the instructions for information about contraindications and side effects of medications. It is especially important to study them if lumps have formed on the face, neck, genitals. When making a choice of medications on your own, you need to buy these medications, with the help of which you can achieve two main goals:

  1. Eliminate the skin defect.
  2. Strengthen immunity to exclude disease relapses.